Thoughts on the flex schedule: Brief thoughts on the new addition to the school

During the school day the workload from classes can get very stressful. At Orange, the new flex period for students is an extra study period twice a week to go to other teachers or do quiet work.

Flex is a good work time for students who have a lot of work on their hands and need more time to work with teachers or finish it up. Students have nine periods throughout the day, although some students choose a study hall or art period to fill gaps in their schedule, they still have their four main classes for graduation typically including math, science, history and English.

As an athlete I find it hard sometimes to get all my work done at night so having flex is a good part of my day where I can get the help I need from teachers and not fall behind in classes. I think during the winter when things start to pick up in school work and my life it will help me out even more.

Last year as flex period was first being introduced to Orange, students and staff met up once a week on Thursday and towards the end of the school year we ended up not having it at all. Since it had just been thought of and put on to students and staff there was a great chance it was not going to be perfect.

As the school year is starting to ramp up and I start falling behind more, I’m glad that they enforced flex period so I can get help in the classes I need. I hope flex stays through the rest of my high school time so I can continue to feel free to go and get help or an extra study hall when needed.

Overall, I think other students and I are glad that flex came back and hope it becomes a consistent period at Orange. Considering all the changes made to the school this year I feel this is the best change we made so far.