permission to print image: @oohs.sleeps on Instagram
Anonymous Instagram accounts about the different aspects of school life are becoming more and more popular at the high school. Some popular examples are accounts like @oohs.sleeps and @oohs_parkingjobs that poke fun at the student body with pictures of students sleeping in class in odd positions and terrible parking jobs.
These accounts are based on trends on social media, with many popular creators on TikTok showing off their school’s Instagram accounts.
“We decided to create the account because we saw the trend on TikTok,” a person from @oohs.sleeps said. “And we thought that it’d be a fun way to get everyone involved in school and increase school spirit.”
“I made [the @oohs_parkingjobs account] because I’ve gone to many other schools with these kinds of accounts and I thought it would be funny if Orange had one too,” a person from @oohs_parkingjobs said.
Each account has its own ways of getting the photos it posts whether the people who run it take the photos themselves or allow others to message them photos to be featured on the page.
“I choose what pictures to upload by [getting them sent in and then] seeing if the parking is really bad or just mediocre,” @oohs_parking_jobs said.
“We try to choose the funniest picture possible,” a person from @oohs.sleeps said. “The goal of this page is to make people laugh, and to make their day at least a little bit better, so we try to do our bests to make posts that think we will do the best.”
Although these accounts are fun, the owners of the account also have to respect the privacies and wishes of others, especially on school grounds.
“I think everyone at Orange is fine with being posted by this account,” a person from @oohs_parkingjobs said. “If they aren’t, they are more than welcome to shoot us a text and we will take it down.”
“We require everyone to send in their photos with a tag,” a person from @oohs.sleeps said. “And we’ve started to ask people’s permission to post a photo if they are in it, and also encourage people to message us if they don’t like a picture of them, so we can take it down.”
Although there are many logistics involved in running pages like these, the owners have not forgotten the goal: to make people smile.