design: Abby Robinson
The 2020 election was a critical event that will determine the direction and shape the country will take for the next four years. Many situations such as the debates and predictions of the potential winner built up major anticipation among the U.S. citizens.
Months prior to election day, both candidates were given chances to express their policies and beliefs on widespread-impacting matters in the presidential debate. Both candidates shared their views with each other and clashed on differing opinions.
The major country-impacting topics discussed at the debate were, “COVID-19 response, deficit, healthcare, and climate change,” U.S. Government teacher John Carmichael said.
The first presidential debate held on Sept. 29, was very different from any other presidential debate the country has ever seen. It had one candidate who appeared to be more overwhelming and assertive compared to the other.
“The second debate was a very typical presidential debate. However, the first debate was unusual in that the candidates largely talked over one another and understanding their policy differences was virtually impossible,” Carmichael said.
In response to COVID-19, voting looked drastically different than previous elections. More people voted through mail-in than in-person, which can drastically alter the data of the predicted winner of the election.
Approximately 65 million of the 101 million early votes are in the form of mail-in ballots, according to data from the US Elections Project.
The projected winner was Joe Biden, but the scenario called the “red mirage” is predicted to occur.
The red mirage is a concept where it appears that the Republican candidate is winning by a landslide on election day, but it shifts in favor of the democratic candidate once the mail-in ballots get counted according to Hawkfish CEO Josh Mendelson, according to Axios, whose company processes US political data.
There is a misconception where citizens think that a candidate who wins the popular vote will win the election. However, one candidate might win the popular vote, but ultimately it is decided by the decisions of the electoral votes from the electoral college.
“Most citizens don’t understand that our presidential election is 50 separate elections being held by state, and these elections determine the presidency,” Carmichael said.
After the results of the election, riots occurred throughout the country due to the animosity of the losing party’s supporters. Many businesses and government buildings such as the White House barricaded up their buildings.
The White House had put up fences and increased their security in order to keep potential protestors and rioters at bay on election day, according to Curbed News.
Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election and it was announced on Nov. 7. He will be inaugurated into office on Jan. 21.
The race was called by the Associated Press, it ended with 290 electoral votes received by Biden, and 214 electoral votes received by Trump.
As expected, new policies to reverse Trump’s regulations, such as undoing the withdrawal from the World Health Organization and instituting a national mask mandate will be enacted once he is in office.
“If Trump wins, he will continue with his policies, and we will likely see the Affordable Care Act repealed and a continuation of state solution to COVID-19, versus a federal response”, Carmichael said.
Although Biden was projected as the winner, Trump’s campaign proposed allegations of large-scale voter fraud. He refused to concede his loss to Biden.
“Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated,” Trump said, according to NBC News.
Regardless of the outcome, the impact of this election on the United States will surely take form as time progresses.