Out in the Community: Spanish club

photo credit: Isabel Francisco

Spanish Club serves as a way for students to go deeper into learning the culture of their language class. It has activities, food and more that teaches members simple and fun Spanish traditions. 

Spanish Club is offered to students currently in a Spanish class, whether it’s Spanish one or AP Spanish anyone can attend. 

“I joined Spanish Club because I believe it is a great opportunity to learn more about Spanish culture,” sophomore Lindsey Philips said.

At Orange, there are four Spanish classes available for students to take as well as AP Spanish and Spanish for Spanish Speakers. Spanish One and, for some, Spanish Two is offered to take in eighth grade.

“I enjoy teaching Spanish and wanted to encourage students to participate and enjoy cultural events,” Spanish Club leader and Spanish teacher Alexandra Tony said.

Every month throughout the school year the club holds meetings. At these meetings students will participate in hands-on activities that incorporate the Spanish culture, for example, every year the Spanish club hosts a Day of the Dead themed meeting.

“My favorite event is always the Day of the Dead celebration–we have lots of activities for students, prizes for them to win, and snacks and music to enjoy!” Tony said.

With all the activities, food, music and more that the club includes in the meaning, students who enjoy taking and learning Spanish will appreciate the depth that Spanish club goes into, and the creative aspect of culture and its traditions.

“This is my first year in Spanish Club. I wish I had joined last year because I enjoy learning Spanish and my friends had told me the club was a fun way to learn more,” Philips said.

Every year the Spanish Club holds a service project, since completing a service project is mandatory for Spanish Honors Society students. The project serves as a way for Spanish Club members to help their community and make a difference.

“This year we will be collecting donations for a refugee program located in central Ohio. I chose it because Olentangy Schools and the rest of central Ohio are welcoming many new families from different countries. I wanted to encourage our students to think about our newcomers and encourage them to help them feel welcome in our community!” Tony said.

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