photo credit: Hiya Patel
As always Olentangy Orange High School had yet another traditional dress up day for Diwali. This tradition at our school helps keep students enriched in their culture and also helps educate other students about their faith and traditions.
Diwali for Hindus this year was celebrated on October 31st or November 1st. The highschool had their dress up day Friday November 1st and was followed by traditional food and dance performances after school.
“I used to not be very proud of where I come from and the traditions I follow but now I feel proud to be able to share my culture with my peers,” Junior Aryan patel said.
For many students like Aryan Patel, they used to be shy about sharing this part of their life with others, when in reality students outside of this culture are interested in learning more about it.
“I think it’s really cool seeing everyone wearing traditional clothes to school, the jewelry and clothing is so pretty,” Senior Hanna Rauzi said.
For many students they are excited to share their experiences with others and celebrate with friends and family outside of school.
“I always invite my friends over to watch the fireworks and eat dinner with us, I think it brings me closer to my culture being able to share it with my friends,” Senior Aanya Bardhwaj explained.
This holiday allows for people to come together and enjoy time together doing spiritual events and praying for the good of others.
“We always start the first day of Diwali by doing a puja and praying for our family and other people who are less fortunate,” Bardhwaj said.
Diwali can bring people of different backgrounds together and bring unity to people in our community. Spreading the joy of this holiday helps others feel proud of who they are and helps others learn more about this important part in many people’s lives.