photo credit: Jazmyne Prince
This year, football had an amazing season. Their overall record with playoffs was 9:3, losing to Gahanna, Liberty and Upper Arlington.
“The season went better than expected, going into the season we thought that we were going to be pretty average but ended up playing really well,” senior Kayden Arsalane said.
Their toughest opponent was Liberty, as they won the state championship with a record of 14-2. The score against Liberty was 22 -50 and it was a tough loss for the whole team.
“We were up 3-0 to start the game and we had high hopes but it just went downhill from there. Terryn Thomas scored for us which was great but we couldn’t keep up,” Arsalane said.
Senior Terryn Thomas, one of the lead scorers, had multiple touchdowns this year and was athlete of the week. He played a huge role in keeping the team’s record high and being one of the best teams in the district.
“The team and I thought we had a great season and we really worked hard during practices and lifts to keep our bodies moving. The coaches and staff really worked with us, especially in the fundamentals,” Arsalane said.
Olentangy was a huge win for them with the score of 21-17. It was the first playoff win in years and set the team up for success, but ended up losing in the second playoff game to Upper Arlington.
“The Olentangy game was so hyped up and we were all so excited for the next game. Winning a big game like that, especially since we haven’t won a playoff game in years, is a huge achievement,” Arsalane said.
The Pioneers hope to be back and better next year, but are losing 23 seniors. They are hoping to go to the playoffs and win at least two games to keep up after this season.