photo credit: Peyton Johnson
At the beginning of their high school career, students are allowed the opportunity to take advanced placement classes through the high school for possible college credit. Although AP classes are an amazing opportunity for students, there is a big competition between advanced placement and college credit plus classes.
Advanced placement or AP classes are available to high school students beginning their freshman year. In order to receive credit for an AP class, a student must receive at least a three or above on the AP exam to be considered for credit at some colleges according to apstudents.collegeboard.com.
College credit courses are offered through local colleges to high school students. In order to receive credit for college courses through CCP students must receive a C or above in the selected course according to nacep.org.
CCP courses are free and provided through the school unless dropped past the final drop date or failed by the student. AP class prices depend on the state and school, but they are generally anywhere between $100 and $200 according to apstudents.collegeboard.org.
Credit earned through a college credit class is likely to transfer to many in state universities and looked into by some out of state colleges, but transfer of credit is not guaranteed. AP classes are almost fully guaranteed to transfer credit to many out of state and in state universities according to gocruisers.org.
College credit classes are better and more beneficial to high school students than advanced placement classes. While taking a college credit course it is easier to receive credit for the class, unless failed or dropped CCP courses are also free while AP classes cost around $100 to $200, but although they are more convenient for the student the credit received through CCP is not guaranteed to transfer to an out of state college.