As we start reaching the middle of December it becomes time for midterm exams for the Orange students. High schoolers take these tests to show off what they have learned throughout the semester.
Midterm exams begin three school days before winter break. The tests covering topics throughout the whole semester are twenty percent of a student’s semester grade which can improve or decrease the grade entirely.
These midterms are important and can help a student out if they are willing to put in the work. It’s easier to remember and study for half the semester than the whole year in one final test, making midterms than just a final exam.
Alternatives to final exams for some math and English classes include an end of semester project or an Ohio State test. Depending on the teacher these tests will go in as a final grade or a student could be exempt from the test. A teacher could also require a midterm, final and Ohio State test for their class.
Although helpful for some students, others can struggle with test taking and sometimes these large tests are not graded right away. It could ruin their break for winter and summer which is an unnecessary stressor for a student.
If a student does not perform during the test or remembering the small details needed for them, it can also affect their final grade even if they know the material. There are some aids that can help with these test taking problems as well.
If there were to be one thing I would change about the midterm or final exams would be how much they weigh towards students semester grades. It should go in as a test score of its own but not mess with the other quarterly grades.