photo credit: Savanna Smith
The high school is almost always squeaky clean when students and teachers arrive in the mornings to start their school days. However, many of students and staff overlook the amount of behind the scenes work that is done, to keep the school clean and ready for learning.
Custodians Curtis Darling is one of the school’s custodians and is behind keeping the school clean every day. According to a coworker and Custodian Brenda Parmer, Darling takes plenty of pride in his work and does his job very well. However, Darling’s job is a job that has its ups and downs. Darling starts his day off gathering supplies that is needed for the day and based off the events that occur during that school day or after school.
“My day starts with gathering needed supplies. If we have an indoor game, we set up things in the gym,” Darling said.
According to Darling, he has a heavy workload, and a lot to do, so he prefers less work and less busy days. His typical day stays routinely the same, with various types of cleaning around the school.
“My day is filled with trash removal and cleaning/sweeping floors in halls and stairs,” Darling said.
He also keeps a set routine on most days. Darling works the second shift, which is after school. On days off, he sometimes starts working in the morning. Darling hardly works the weekends, and when he doe it’s rare. Darling also has a set sleep schedule which is very important to him.
“My sleep schedule is very important. I prefer being in bed more than anywhere in the world,” Darling said.
His job, like any other job, has its negatives as well as positive. One of the toughest parts of his jobs is working around student’s schedule after school, and the many clubs and sporting activities that occur after school.
“The tough part is working around students who stay late for after school projects,” Darling said.
Darling also has a very strong opinion on the way students trash the bathroom, since it leaves him and the other custodians to spend extra time cleaning the bathrooms, just to get trashed again.
He said there needs to be more repercussions for the students who do trash them.
Darling does enjoy talking to fellow teachers about various topics, ranging from basic greetings to fun conversations.
Parmer also said that they both get along very well, and Darling always keeps a pleasant work attitude.
Darling also takes time to have hobbies and interests out of school, in an effort to balance his work and personal life.
“I have a hobby and outside interests away from school,” Darling said. Some of his hobbies include model trains, photography and explorations of different places.
“I like tunnels, caves and some abandoned places,” Darling said. Darling is one of many custodians, along with Roger Gill, the main custodian, and Marvin Louthian, who all work hard to make sure the school is a clean environment to learn and teach in. While he may have some part about the job he dislikes, he mainly enjoy his job as a custodian.